Tuesday, August 13, 2013

【孩子们的午餐】 同大家一起交流学习

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一说到要保温好,不少人就会想到用这种Thermos保温杯(注:这是我在网上找来的相片),这种保温杯效果确实好,而且不会漏,我也给孩子们买过,不过给孩子们用上就发现问题了。这样的保温杯为了保证它的保温效果,口径都很小,孩子们用起来非常的不方便,勺子在里面转不开,食物经常漏撒得到处都是,它的盖子都比较紧,小孩子们打开它的时候比较费劲,严重降低了孩子们的吃饭效率,能够装的量也很少,很多样食物比如饺子什么的也没法装进去。现在除了偶尔给孩子们带有汤汁的午餐比如Chili或者Chicken Noodle Soup会让他们用一下,其他时候都不用了。
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一个偶然的机会,给孩子们买饭包的时候接触了Hot cold pack,这个东西可以放入微波炉里加热,热了以后就像一个热水袋一样,可以放在饭包,垫在饭盒下可以帮助食物保温。多次试验有了这个东西以后,即使用很普通的玻璃饭盒,我早上八点左右做好的午饭,放入孩子们的饭包,到了孩子们吃饭的时间11点或12点,还基本上是温的。这个小东西可帮我解决大问题了,有了它以后孩子们的午饭更加丰富一些了。
如果大家有兴趣,可以自己到网上去选择适合自己的 Hot and Cold Pack,网上有不少人也写了自己使用过的感受和心得体会,可以根据自己的要求选择自己认为最合适的。我以前一直使用的是买饭包的时候带的,最近发现边角有一些磨损,为了安全我把它们都淘汰了,刚在网上买了图上这个,贴了这张图来仅仅给大家一个参考。还要提醒大家,如果要购买一定要看清楚尺寸大小,太大了孩子们的饭盒可装不下。
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在家常备的给孩子们午餐补给品,孩子们除了午餐时间,还有一个Snack Time,给孩子除了准备一个主餐以外,还可以给他们补充一些水果,奶制品,果汁等。
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给大家推荐一款Pasta,因为经常用Pasta也尝过许多种,我觉得这种挺不错的,在Trader Joe's能买到。
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面团:高粉540g 低粉60g 酵母10g 奶粉30g 糖80g 盐9g 鸡蛋一個 ,鮮奶250g 动物性鮮奶油whipping cream150g
2.把面团搅拌至完成阶段(能够拉出薄膜状) 。这个过程最好找个机器帮你完成。
5.小香肠先把表面的水份擦干,我的做法是用Paper Towel来包住香肠轻轻捏一下,就把表面的水份擦干了。
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很喜欢这些小工具,简单也还实用。这是一个Sandwich Sealer ,在给孩子买学习用品的时候,发现了这个,而且我们家小朋友挺喜欢吃Costco卖的的那种中间有蓝莓酱和花生酱的三明治包,正好用这个可以做。
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于是用家里有的树莓和杏仁酱,给他们做了这个三明治包,呵呵看上去可一点也不比外面卖的差,小朋友可高兴了,我也又可以多偷一次懒了。做法超级简单,一片面包抹上杏仁酱和树莓果酱,盖上另一片面包,用Sandwich Sealer一压就完事了。
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又一次犯懒的时候,就给他们用Sandwich Sealer做了这个蔬菜鸡肉三明治,同样受到欢迎。
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白鸡肉用叉子戳碎,拌入蛋黄酱,一片面包上底部铺上沙拉菜,再把拌入蛋黄酱的鸡肉铺在上面,盖上另一块面包,用Sandwich Sealer一压就行了。我贪心地给小朋友们铺上了好几层的沙拉菜,还好他们还没有向我抱怨。
有了小工具做出了孩子们喜欢我也能偷懒的午餐,我当然乐呵,不过问题也接踵而来,那切下来的一大堆面包皮怎么办?咱们不是一再强调不要浪费吗,当然要想办法发挥它们的余热。于是就把切下来的面包片,扳成小块,放入小烤箱中烤干,冷却以后用food process打成面包渣,正好给孩子们做他们喜欢的Chicken Nuggets和牛肉丸子。
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Chicken Nuggets也是孩子们很喜欢的午餐。以前都是买半成品回来,后来就想着干脆自己做好了,所以就到网上去扒拉方子。看了方子,实践以后才知道CN原来非常的简单。
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看看我们自制Chicken Nuggets,感觉还行吧。
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Chicken Nuggets的自制方法:
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• 1 lb ground beef (at least 16% fat)
• ½ lb fresh bulk Italian style pork sausage
• 2 tablespoons finely chopped basil
• 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh Italian parsley
• ½ cup finely chopped crimini brown mushrooms
• 2 eggs
• ¾ cup unseasoned bread crumbs
• ¼ cup grated parmesan-romano cheese blend
• 2 teaspoons sea salt
• 2 teaspoons fresh ground black pepper
• 1 Tbsp olive oil
• Red wine
我自己也比较严格地按照这个配方做过,不过后来再做就变成我自己喜好的调味版本了,我没有再放Basil,Parsley,Red Wine,cheese变成了我自己喜欢的葱姜汁,耗油,最后结果是孩子们更喜欢我的调味版,可能是因为已经习惯了我的口味。
把这些全都搅拌均匀,手上 沾一点水淀粉,挤出一个个大肉丸子出来,大小自己定,我图省事全弄成大号的,然后把表面煎出硬壳,或者用炸也行,这样大肉丸子就初步处理好了。
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• 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
• ½ chopped sweet yellow onion
• 3 cloves chopped garlic
• 1 cup very finely chopped carrots
• 1 cup chopped crimini brown mushrooms
• 2 28-oz cans Italian plum tomatoes (get San Marzano brand if possible)
• ¼ cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
• ¼ cup chopped fresh basil
• 3 Tbsp tomato paste concentrate in tube
• ¼ cup grated parmesan-romano cheese blend
• Salt to taste (about 1 teaspoon)
• ¼ cup red wine
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自从发掘Costco 的Uncooked Tortillas以来,我们家孩子的午餐又多了一大类——卷饼。
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1. 在平底锅里抹上一点点油,先把饼的一面煎到金黄,取出来。
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有了Uncooked Tortillas以来,做葱油饼也变得超级简单了。敢用超级简单来形容葱油饼,真不是我牛,大家试试看就清楚了。
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Friday, May 25, 2012



来源:  于 2012-05-24 09:59:30 [] [博客旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:2925次
一个是写关于欧洲的研究报告,看女儿写了很多东西,才得了84分. 有评分标准,俺俺们老两口的西班牙文很差,看不懂. 只能听女儿解释. 据女儿说(对不对就不知道了):
1. 没有indentation,得了零分(满分是5分). 俺们翻了翻,发现写了有十几段的文字,只有一个没有indentation,其他都有. 女儿写得很工整,所以indentations都很明显,不会看不出来
2. 拼写有错误,10分满分,被扣3分. 劳工问孩子哪些词拼错了,女儿一脸盲然:俺不知道呀,知道了就不会拼错了嘛. 劳工说,那你得问老师给你划出来,否则你怎么知道对错,怎么能提高呢?
"我不知道可以问啊". 女儿说. 孩子还是要教的:)
3. 跟老师问问题,要面带微笑,谁都不喜欢苦丧脸. 苦丧脸讨论问题,或是一脸怒气讨论问题,没好结果的
4. 不要跟老师说:"你没做这,没做那." 好象在埋怨老师. 靠埋怨讨论问题,也没好结果的. 换个方法,说"请你帮我做这做那." 效果会好很多
5. 老师一般都是有道理的,所以要做好得不到更多分数的心理准备. 分数不重要,能跟老师有效交流,学到东西才是目的
6. 老师再审查试卷的时候,如果发现该扣分的没扣分,有可能会给扣更多的分,分数更低. 要做好心理准备,不要哭着回来:)
女儿一走,俺就给老师发了一个E. 主要是希望女儿平生第一次跟老师谈的时候,能得到一些态度上的支持理解,让她感到自己虽然小,也可以跟老师交涉,不要遭到打击:
爱美丽 has a few questions about her tests. We thought that this was a good opportunity for her to learn how to represent herself in front of an authority. So we had her practice last night and tried to prepare her for different outcomes - especially that things may turn out worse than it is.
We told her that the most important thing isn't the outcome, but the fact that she had the courage to represent herself in a respectful way.
Please give her your honest answers but do allow her a few minutes to ask questions.  Appreciate it!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


ZT 育儿论坛上妈妈们狂赞的盐蒸橙子治疗宝宝咳嗽,照着蒸了一个,额的神啊,简直就是放倒一切止咳药消炎药啊,昨晚牛宝一整晚都没有咳嗽 准妈妈们也适用哦,绝对比药好用还没副作用!

by abetterworld (诺诺) at 2011.6.14 08:29 (#6740032@0)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



by diudiulinlin (makeupforever) at 2011.4.4 00:11 (#6599923@0)
<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/f >
夜磨牙(bruxism, teeth grinding, clenching) 是原因特别复杂的现象,我说现象,是因为它甚至不能称作具体的病,科学家至今都不确定它最基础的机理,只推断它跟大脑内XX脑神经结有关。不是故弄玄虚,引起夜磨牙的具体原因不下50种,归根结底就是:只要身体或者心灵不舒坦,都有可能造成夜磨牙,所以夜磨牙习惯是很难停止的,有人极有毅力的天天磨,有人间歇性如阴天下雨,有人甚至神奇的突然有天就再也不磨了。
你家宝宝才4岁,请问,1,是从多大开始发现磨牙的? 2,是极有毅力的天天磨,还是三天磨牙两天休息?3,磨的有规律吗?观察过有没有和什么事物有联系?

-----原因:治疗夜磨牙最重要就是找到原因,才4岁的小朋友,最可能引起磨牙的因素:1,耳朵疼,2, 牙疼,3,牙齿咬合有干扰,就是上下颌咬在一起的时候不顺畅,总有颗高调的牙想要先碰上 4,娃尿了 5,娃渴了 6, 娃换床了不习惯 7,娃紧张了,娃居然都有stress了, 这个因素可太广了:换幼儿园了,怕老师了,和小朋友有矛盾了,和爸妈有矛盾了,看可怕的电视了,做可怕的梦了 。。。8. 睡眠障碍:这样的孩子会总醒,睡不踏实,9.。。。。

-----后果: 4岁小孩即使天天磨,也不会有短期的后果,顶多会把乳磨牙的牙尖磨的平一些,钝一些。 但是,直到大孩子了,甚至到成年了,还长期天天磨,那就问题很大了。会引起咬合关节和肌肉的痛症和活动障碍,头痛,牙齿受损,甚至有些人牙齿的美观都受影响。那时,牙医通常会做个咬合垫( night guard) 让患者睡觉时戴上来人为的把夜磨牙stop住

-----------综上所述,家长多观察,看能找到原因不,对症下药,睡前给小人泡澡,听点轻松的音乐,讲个温馨的故事,可以帮助小朋友放松的睡眠。 短期暂时磨牙没事儿,长期磨牙要concern


good luck !


by diudiulinlin (toothfairy) at 2011.4.5 15:51 (#6603575@0)
如果13个月了嘴里一颗牙都还没有的话,建议去看牙医,因为平均宝宝是从6--8个月开始出第一颗牙--下颌切牙,不过小孩个体差异很大的,乳牙萌出顺序个体差异比恒牙还大. 但13个月如果还没出第一颗牙,那也算够晚的。

Teething时,最建议的也最安全的解决牙龈疼的方法,是用冻过的磨牙圈/棒,如果伴有发低烧可以服用泰诺,如果牙龈红肿而且宝宝疼的哭不停,也可以用泰诺。如果实在觉得TEETHING GEL有效,也可以非常少量的抹一点,但现在牙医都不太推荐GEL,因为宝宝一旦吞下去副作用很多。

有些小朋友喜欢咬点吃的来缓解,可以用冻过的硬一点的全麦bagal, 因为够硬有嚼头,而且全麦的比白面包对牙齿健康些,不建议给白面包尤其是含糖的饼干小面包晚上含着,因为容易致龋。如果宝宝现在没有牙齿还OK了,但以后有了牙就不要给这些。 关键是不能养成睡觉含东西的习惯



by diudiulinlin (toothfairy) at 2011.4.10 16:05 (#6613666@0)
<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/f >
--他牙黄黄的只是一两颗还是好多颗,如果是后者,尤其靠近牙龈的地方更黄些,很可能是stain. stain的原因是因为刷牙没有刷干净,牙垢形成stain。


这么大的孩子,哪怕他拒绝,也应该开始慢慢接受牙刷和牙膏了,可以去商店和他一起挑选他喜欢的卡通形象的牙刷和训练牙膏,每次刷牙让他拿着一个儿童牙刷,刚开始他肯定要放进嘴里玩,因为他不知道怎么刷,所以先从咬着玩开始,这是正常的一个学习过程。然后家长在他玩的时候,再用手指牙刷或者另一把儿童牙帮他刷刷干净,等他不讨厌儿童牙刷了,就开始停掉手指牙刷。暗示他手指牙刷是baby用的,他已经是big boy是大哥哥了



--编一套口诀,我给我女儿刷牙的口诀就是“上刷刷,下刷刷,里刷刷,外刷刷,啊--YI(让她牙齿咬在一起)---再刷刷” 听起来比较白痴,但慢慢她就接受这个routine了

1. 这是给家长看得:


---另外提醒一句,快2岁的孩子了,如果家长有concern, 就可以早点让孩子接受牙齿检查,不单是检查孩子,家长也可以得到儿童牙齿保健的知识,早点让孩子接触牙医和诊所的环境,他大些后就会更容易接受定期检查和清洁牙齿,而且更在意自己的口腔卫生。
<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/f > 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

KG websites

KG websites:
www.tumblebooks.com - Loads of animated picture books (many favourites including alot of Robert
Munsch), as the words are read they highlight on the screen to encourage students to track the words while
read. There is a cost to this website; however you can usually get to it through the public library for free.
www.abcya.com - Simple computers games that allow students to practice language and math skills. There
is voide instruction for those students who are unable to read the instructions.
htto://www.nationalgeographic.corningyounciexploredindex.html - Simple Non fiction texts in the format of
the national geographic young explorer magazines. It highlights the words while it is being read to the
children. There are also teacher guides that go with the magazines.
This website has a variety of alphabet based songs other related resources such printable lyrics and music
sheets that the teacher can use to play the songs on an instrument.
This website has some interesting ideas on using household items for fun hands on activities for kids. The
website gives both instructions and ideas for various arts and craft and science based projects.
Has a lot of resources for a resonable cost of AUD 19.95.
www.tumblebooks.com is a great website. The students can pick a book online and the computer
will read it to them. It is great to use during centers as a listening center. However you have to
subscribe to this website (although some local libraries have tumble books) this
website:http://info.infosoup.org/tumblebooks.asp has some demo tumble books that you can
view. I personally love tumble books.
This is a great website, my cooperating teaching introduced it to me during student teaching. It
has a lot of wonderful powerpoint presentations on it, as well as great interactive games.
http://www.prescho o lexpress. c om/
This is a great website for all kinds of different resources, it has theme ideas, as well as songs,
stories etc
Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas
I found this site, and as a non-kindergarten teacher, I thought the "themes" section was very
helpful. I looked up March, and then St. Patrick's Day. It shows many different book ideas and
related activities, and cross-curricular ideas. I know this website will be helpful to beginner
Kindergarten teachers as well as experienced teachers. Even if you don't teach kindergarten, I
think this website could be beneficial to all teachers. Any primary teacher could take the ideas
from this page and make it suit their own students' needs.
AlsO under the math section, it shows different math centres. I am a visual person, so I really
like to see other teacher's examples.
This website has a lot to offer. It has many different sections and a lot of educational links. I
really liked the Teaching Tips and Ideas page. In that section is gives little tips for any classroom
teacher. My favourite idea was Birthday Box: Create a reusable, decorated birthday box for children's
birthdays. Inside place several treats, such as candy, pencils, stickers, and a birthday sticker. Leave the box on the
child's desk so he will be surprised on the morning.
I also liked the Hula-Hoop Center: Turn any floor area in your room into an instant learning center. Put a
Hula-Hoop on the floor and place a folder activity and game pieces within the circle. The hoop provides a well-
defined work space which can be moved easily at your convenience. I think young learners would love this
idea. It reminds me of an idea I saw before about having students read in a laundry basket. I like
this idea because it defines their space and it makes them excited about that activity.
The Mailbox
My mom is a retired teacher, and when she was teaching she subscribed to 'The Mailbox'
magazine. It was full of grade specific ideas. On their website, you can find examples of their
magazines and other helpful classroom tools.
If you want to subscribe to the magazine it is $41 per year, however you can get free Online
Bonus Pages. The website also has an Online Community and a Blog.
httpliwww,pgfj-cyrritu.org .uVengivtc-homejytc-ey-home./ytc-ey-md/vtc-ey-md-number
Once you have reached this page, click on "The story of "(the number on which you are focusing), click
on "open this file"
There is a starter activity (like a story, which I have not used) then main sessions and plenary (have used
these). finally, there is a lesson pack... which I have not looked at (we are using the Nelson Kindergarten
This site is another site I have linked in a smartboard file. It is a numeracy file on numbers 1-10. We
discuss numbers in our whole group lessons and during centre time, I open this SMartboard centre. Each
page in my file is dedicated to a specific number. On that page are 4 different links to the 4 different parts
of this site:
Main Session Part 1 is based on printing the numeral
Main Session part 2 is based on recognizing the set
Main Sessin Part 3 and plenary are based on recognizing the numeral.
I have not navigated around the rest of the site as of yet, but I know the students really enjoy this one (and
reinforce their learning of the concept of numer at the same time!).
This first site is one I use everyday I teach in kindergarten. I have it embedded in my Smartboard Calendar
File. It is set to open to the Public School where I teach. At the top of the screen it says "Georgie
Porgie Public School Weather" (not really my school.... I know I am not supposed to name it). My students
always look at the temperature first (then, on my smartboard file, we set an interactive thermometer to that
temperature.... It has pictures and words set beside the temps so the kids can relate (30 is hot, 20 is
pleasing, 10 is not, 0 is freezing!) This site also has pictures of what they should be wearing depending on
what the weather will be, what the temps feel like before and after school and what the sidewalks and roads
will be like. They also give a short term forecast and a multiday forcast so we can see what our weather
may be like. Our "Special Me" helps us navigate through this site and then, on our Smartboard file, they
graph the weather for the day.
This site is good for the month by month theme ideas that it provides. The creator is a teacher who has
taught for over 20 years. There are plenty of songs, recipes and crafts which are fun ideas to use in a JK/SK
classroom. As well, there are some forms included which would be very helpful to establish communication
between home and school at the beginning of the year.
However I will say that this site is American, so some content is not relevant. As well the holiday activities
tend to lean towards traditional Christian celebrations. For ideas surrounding multicultural traditions, you
may have to visit another site.
The Jan Brett website is a superb accompaniment to any Jan Brett book which you may be using in your
classroom. There are plenty of fun colouring sheets, activities and classroom resources. It is especially
helpful for Kindergarten classrooms because the alphabet activities are centered on cute drawings of
animals and characters, which make them fun. As well, you can print off things for your bulletin boards,
doorways, and labels for supplies. Obviously the downfall is that most of the resources are only applicable
to Jan Brett literature, but some can be used regardless of what books you are reading in your class.
On this site there are plenty of great suggestions for teaching a JK/SK class. Each of the suggestions is
broken down into the subject areas, and broken down further into subcategories. The suggestions are very
specific and very implementable. Pictures are included and the ideas are fun for the students and the
teacher. This one is very thorough in its explanations.
This is a free interactive website designed to teach children to read with phonics.
It offers games and interactive books as well as a teacher's area including print
outs and other classroom resources. This is an excellent site that is particularly
useful as a recommendation for parents to use with their children at home.
This is a Peel District School Board website that provides a database of math
games and activities with their online links. It is extremely useful as they have
been sorted by the math strands and objects of the Ontario Curriculum. This site
is useful for kindergarten, but for all other grades as well.
This site provides a wide range of links for Kindergarten (and other) resources.
Whether you are looking for lesson ideas, computer games, or Holiday links there
seems to be a bit of everything.
This is one of a number of online book sites. I suppose we could get into a discussion about how much
"screen time" is appropriate for 4 and 5 year olds.
This is a link to the ELECT document. Early Learning for Every Child Today, written by the Best Start Expert
Panel on Early Learning. My understanding is that much of the new full-day learning program will be based
on this document.
This link takes you to ETFOs Kindergarten page, where you can access blogs and articles about
Kindergarten. I believe that teachers of all grades need to keep up-to-date on current issues.
My first website is You Tube at www.voutube.com . I know that many of you will be skeptical
about this website but just check out these links. The first link is a video with a song called
counting to 100. As you know children love to learn in song. My students request the song
every day. The second song is someone reading Robert Munch's I Love You Forever. The third
one is Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar where someone has animated the book. The
last one is Old Macdonald in animation. You can search any nursery rhyme and many high
quality picture book titles and often you can find some vocals and animation. This is a great
place to refresh you memory of tunes of popular children's songs. I often search youtube when I
find a picture book with music at the back and I don't know or can't remember the tune. You do
need to preview them as there are some really wacky videos posted. You can download these
videos using downloader helper and put them on a memory stick if this site is blocked in your
http://www.youtube.comlwatch ?v=6z-oBkg.140w I Love You Forever
http://www.youtube.comlwatch ?v—DTDvSj3MLIM Eric Carle-The Very Hungry Caterpiller
hup://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7 mol6B9z0O&NR=1 Old MacDonald
Websites I found useful are:
This website has great worksheets for students to learn how to print and learn letters.
This website has great games and is a good tool for teachers.
This website is good for computer time and has great games on Number and Letter learning.
This is a fantastic resource to build literacy skills with students of all ages. The downfall is that
you need to have a subscription to access all of the material. You can use this website to build
your classroom library or to use for take home reading programs. There are books you can use
for guided reading, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, poetry, alphabet, and assessment. The cost is
about $90/year but definitely worth it! I have used the high frequency words with my students
during our morning message (they have to find the right word to put into the sentence). The
students enjoyed the alphabet chants at home with their parents (they would circle all the words
that would have the letter of the week) and also read the letter of the week book.
(I have attached an alphabet chant)
Yet another site you need to pay for and not Canadian... it is $75/year for a family membership
(or $150/year for Brainpop Jr and Brainpop). You can get a free 7-day trial to see if you fall in
love with it as well! They have movies and activities based on science, health, reading &
writing. social studies, math, and arts & technology. You can access some of the movies without
a subscription. The movies are great (some may be above the kindergarten level but the ). If you
were using an LCD projector or SmartBoard you could enjoy some of the movies together and
discuss what is going on. The nice thing about BrainPop Jr is the "Grown lips Guide" which can
give you some background knowledge on the subject if you need to refresh your memory 0
Annie and Moby are quite enjoyable for the kids to watch. The questions that they ask during
the movie could be a good start to shared writing.
I have used this website for my word wall, math stations, letter/number formation, class signs,
etc. This website is free; however, because it is a UK site, not all the language matches what we
would say. There are numerous resources that you could use for classroom management to play-
doh mats. This really is a website you need to explore to see what works for you!
2iraz a b chant.pdf (17.66 KB)
Here's my third site:
This site has printable resources for language, math, management and organization and graphic organizers.
It also has links to a plethora of themes as well as other resources. Though I use it in kindergarten, it would
be appropriate for primary and junior grades.... sorry about the american content.... but it is still helpful.
Check out the Kids Lab Video Lessons about half way down the page. They are such a great tool to use if
you have an ELL student in your classroom and want to provide them when time to improve and develop
their English. You can set them up at the computer to watch a video clip and then there are worksheets and
quizzes that align with the video. Very beneficial.
This site is good because it is Canadian. I like how they have manipulable forms and worksheets so you can
customize them on the computer and print them out for your use. They have awards and certificates that
can be customized. Basically this site provides many resources that can be helpful for saving time and
creating variety. It's a great tool for getting organized or if you need some information on behavioural
management or getting an IEP started.
This site looks really useful because it is so kid friendly. They have many games to choose from that have
educational purposes. It could be used for free time or you could have all students doing the same activity in
the computer lab.
A site chock full of free theme units word puzzles, writing forms, math, ideas and lessons. It has been useful
for health such as dental hygiene. It turns an otherwise unexciting subject into a fun one. There are also
several good themes for each month. Although it is somewhat geased towards American themes, there are
also alot that we can use.
I have limited resources and supplies as we are on a very tight budget. This site has several activities that I
can printout whenever I need them. Anything from printing to reading to numbers. A very useful resource.
Kids can work individually with head phones and listen to the story while they read it. They enjoy retelling
the story. Since they have it memorized quickly they get a confidence boost when it comes to reading it
This site may seem odd as it is a small page, but it was recommended to me by a kinder teacher I work
with. The site discusses the background knowledge of Balanced literacy. I chose to add it as it is full of
research and great information you can back with reference. Sometimes we need brief descriptions to help
us out.
I was told about this site while in teacher college in Scotland and have used it many times. There are many
free printables, classroom design decorations and labels, tips on behaviour management, etc. Although the
curriculum is different than ours (I love their curriculum so much!) I still find the resources very useful.
THey are bright and colourful and different than what students may be used to. I have used the printable
masks for plays in different grades.
I have not used this site, but came across this in my search. It is a math based site, which is nice because I
find those are sometimes few and far between. I think this site would work best for one on one work with a
teacher, parent or classroom volunteer as the kinder activities can be quite wordy. The activities are fun
though. I also like that there are activities teaching students about position (inside, outside, between, ontop,
etc), comparing and money. As I said, best done with an adult though. :)
www.hubbardwupboard.org This website offers ideas for classroom organization and set up, themes by
the month, sample kindergarten schedules, curriculum based activities, centre ideas (and lots more stuff
it's like an ideal kindergarten classroom online!)
Intp://exchange.smarnech.com Full lesson plans, resources and units for use with a smart board. Most
lesson plans are sorted by grade level with grade appropriate activities and there is a section for
standards-correlated lessons (USA based, but still relevant, just more leg work to make them work) There
is also a discussion board for sharing ideas and asking questions.
www.ivestironclequoitorolinservice/Templates%2Ofor%20Teachers.htin A HUGE collection of templates
for everything in your classroom. I used this all the time as a grade 8 teacher, but there are tons of things
for all grade levels. My favorite part of this website is that all the templates are Microsoft Word
documents, so as long as you have Word on your computer the templates can be completely manipulated.
Check out the Kids Lab Video Lessons about half way down the page. They are such a great tool to use if
you have an ELL student in your classroom and want to provide them when time to improve and develop
their English. You can set them up at the computer to watch a video clip and then there are worksheets and
quizzes that align with the video. Very beneficial.
This site is good because it is Canadian. I like how they have manipulable forms and worksheets so you can
customize them on the computer and print them out for your use. They have awards and certificates that
can be customized. Basically this site provides many resources that can be helpful for saving time and
creating variety. It's a great tool for getting organized or if you need some information on behavioural
management or getting an IEP started.
This site looks really useful because it is so kid friendly. They have many games to choose from that have
educational purposes. It could be used for free time or you could have all students doing the same activity in
the computer lab.
The first: www.learnnowbc.cais a site that has Millie's Math House, Bailey's Book House, Sammy's Science
House ( a huge hit with the boys) and Trudy's Time Place. These activity sites are in several schools
already, but if not available on your systems, then this is the site to visit. There are multiple activities in
each "house" that focus on very specific subjects. Instructions are presented in audio and text. Built with
bright colours and easy to navigate. They've been around a long time (my nephew is 19 now and
remembers using them in kindergarten, too.)
The second: www.makinglearningfun.comis a site more for teachers. There are lessons, circle activities
and printables in both B&W and Colour. No fee. Links for seasonal, thematic and popular story ideas. Just
made a set of "clink" cans for the "Seals on the Bus" story. (uses coffee can and metal frozen juice lids
with images taped on. Label available for the can, too. Use the coffee lid to keep all the parts together.
Kids love the "clink" noise when they drop the juice lids into the can for sequencing activities.)
Number three: www.robertmunsch.comofficial site. Students can listen to Robert Munsch himself read
them a story. Also pages with letters written by kids to him and an "art gallery" of pictures submitted by
children. Very cool.
The extra: www.bbc.co.uk/schoolsibitesizurimary/the KS1 (key stage 1) matches some of the
expectations for kindergarten students. Other sections are a bit ahead of them--closer to gr. 1 & 2--but
then, if you have an advanced student in your class, they will enjoy the extra challenge. Problems with
this site. Molly's use of smoke signals to send the correct phonetic response to a neighbouring "tribe"
member and the use of what might be seen as stereotypical aboriginal costumes/behaviours could be
upsetting to Canadians (it is a British site). Also, Numeracy section contains some flickering images that
could be a problem for those with photosensitive epilepsy...but at least they warn users...not all sites do.
This site also contains so extremely useful and most excellent literacy, numeracy, scientific and historic
lessons for junior grades as well. Really, it is a "must see" site:)
Websites for this age group are something that I have never needed before, but here are three that I
found that I liked and that may be useful:
This website contains several resources for teachers that can be accessed with the purchase of a
$20/year membership. The resources include thematic units where worksheets and activities can be
printed off. While the top of the page contains mostly print out activities, the bottom contains
activities by subject and unit. The only thing that I did not like about this page was the need for a
membership. I did like that you could look at the resource quality before becoming a member though,
allowing for an informed decision.
This website contains free activity ideas and worksheets. As I am not the most creative individual, I find
websites that give me ideas for crafts and art projects invaluable. This website provides activities and
worksheets for other grades as well, and in addition to craft ideas includes ideas for reading, math and
other subject areas.
This website includes several games that children can play geared towards building a wide a variety of
skills. I liked the wide variety of activity options, but also the ease of use of the website. Unlike some
websites that contain children's games, this one does not have any links on the page that could send
children to sites that were not intended for their use.